The Brewery Adventure

The Brewery Adventure Ep. 2 Waconia Brewing

Tim & Courtney Season 1 Episode 2

Join us as we discuss Waconia Brewing!  This brewery is just west of the Twin Cities metro area.  We have visited this one a few times in the last months.  We will chat about the beers, the ambiance, and our feelings about what makes this a great brewery to visit.

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Tim (00:01.25)
So Courtney, how are you? I'm doing wonderfully. I don't think we've seen each other this week, so this is nice. Yeah, this is great. You work too hard is the problem.

Courtney (00:03.09)
I am great, how are you?

Courtney (00:08.307)
I don't think we have either.

Courtney (00:12.391)
I do.

Tim (00:14.894)
Good for you. Good for you. This week or month or however often these podcasts come out, this episode is all about wakonia brewing.

Courtney (00:27.283)
We might talk about a couple other things too, but.

Tim (00:29.29)
Of course we will. We will ramble and wander because that's the kind of people we are. But we're going to start by talking about Waconia Brewing. We have actually been there a few times already.

Courtney (00:41.939)
Which is strange because it's not like a it's not a convenient location for either of us. It's not someplace that we go by often.

Tim (00:46.35)
It's I looked it up today is it's like 30 miles west of town. We both live in the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota, in case anyone's unaware of that. That's what this podcast is about is breweries in Minnesota.

Courtney (00:54.335)
What are we doing?

Tim (01:05.646)
And this one, yeah, is like 30 miles west of where we live. And so it's it'd be unlikely that this would be the first one we are going to do. But we happen to have been there, I think, three times just in the last month or so. And mostly that was because events for the geolocation games that we play have brought us out to the western west of the cities. So we've been out there, think, for a Munzee event. And was it a geocaching event? I don't remember, but.

Courtney (01:17.833)
Yeah, it's crazy.

Tim (01:36.172)
We definitely ended up in Waconia because of those things. So, and this last time we were there was an Oktoberfest party. That was a geocaching event at Waconia Brewing. I picked up this, let me go with the camera here. Waconia Brewing, picked up this nice crawler of their Oktoberfest beer, which I am going to be drinking as we do the podcast tonight. So let me.

Courtney (01:39.635)
Yes, absolutely.

Courtney (01:45.98)
Saturday? Yeah was, it was great!

Tim (02:04.782)
crack this one open see if you can hear it. not too bad not too bad. I've got a glass with me and everything. I don't have a waconia brewing glass. This glass actually happens to be from Wabasha Brewing which is in St. Paul. But mmm that smells good.

Courtney (02:08.818)

Courtney (02:23.198)

Courtney (02:26.803)
Good sniff. Well, I had the Oktoberfest beer while we were there.

Tim (02:28.942)
Yeah, I did too and I loved it so I got some more of it.

Courtney (02:32.903)
I veered from my regular let's get a flight kind of plan. And I think I had two Oktoberfest beers while I was there. It was awesome, loved it. However, I went with their, it doesn't have it nicely printed on the crawler. I'm gonna choke on my own spit. Peanut butter chocolate, Porter.

Tim (02:36.918)

Mm -hmm.

Tim (02:52.911)
That's okay. butter chocolate porter. Wow. Okay, wonderful.

Courtney (02:58.568)

We'll get that out of my system really. And on the crawler it says, people love chocolate and peanut butter. It's science.

Tim (03:04.107)

Tim (03:13.363)
Yeah, weird science, maybe. Weird science. I am not a fan of, I generally am not a fan of peanut butter beers. I love porters, I love dark beers. That's no question there, but a peanut butter porter generally I don't go for. So I'm excited to hear what you think of this one. Why don't you crack that one open? yeah, I could hear that. That's great.

Courtney (03:14.18)
Science. It's great science.

Courtney (03:34.165)
I'm gonna eat.

Courtney (03:38.441)
There we go. And my glass is from Minnesota Pint Day. Last year? I don't think I did this year. Last year.

Tim (03:43.648)

Tim (03:49.172)
I can hear the pour.

Courtney (03:49.555)
And I'm going to end up making a mess because I always think it's super hard to pour out of these things. But I didn't consider that before I brought my beer over to my computer.

Tim (03:59.854)
Well, I'm wondering whether I'm going to drink this whole crawler here before, you know, because I, I'm not at home. I am at the headquarters of the podcast, the podcast studio. I'm at the podcast studio. So, I'm going to, don't know if I'll drink a whole crawler before driving home, but maybe, I don't know. It's not a heavy alcohol beer as far as alcohol content goes. It's 5 .8%. So probably do that.

Courtney (04:10.453)
You have the podcast studio.

Courtney (04:29.813)
Pretty good. Well, cheers to you. Cheers to our first like actual actual featured episode of the podcast.

Tim (04:31.682)
Yeah, cheers.

Tim (04:37.102)
Yes, our first episode was more of an introductory, just to introduce ourselves and what we're trying to do here. And that was cool and fun. But now we're on to talking about a brewery. So, Waconia is a town that is, like I said, about 30 miles west of where we live in the Twin Cities. About 13 ,000 people in the last census. So not a huge town, but not tiny. I did look at their website and it talks about how their

Courtney (04:58.741)
Pretty good.

Tim (05:04.398)
They did have a brewery back in 1890, but it closed its doors in 1890. So about a hundred years, it didn't have a brewery. Yeah. And now it does. And Waconia opened in 2014. So it's been a while yet. It's been a while already. I think they're doing pretty well.

Courtney (05:14.197)
It's a long time without a brewery.

Tim (05:27.958)
It's not been, we've been there, I think, like I said, three times. A couple of times it was not busy, but we were there kind of off time. So yeah, it wasn't unusual for a brewery not to be too busy in those times a day. The last one was more of an Oktoberfest celebration and there were a lot of people there. Besides the geocachers we were there with, there were lots of other folks.

Courtney (05:34.217)
We were kind of weird times.

Courtney (05:49.065)
And they had, were selling really nice pottery mugs that were huge. There was their beer signs. I'm so sorry. Yeah. And they're, they're very, very cool. They also had like later hose and t -shirts that you could get.

Tim (05:53.643)
Yeah, Steins, Beer Steins. Yeah.

Tim (06:03.934)
yeah, it was cool. The only downside was the bees outside, because it's that time of year. There's bees flying around looking for anything they can get and of course beer, something they can get. So they were definitely around on the patio. But other than that, was a really nice day to sit outside and have a few beers. But let's see, what else does it say about, what do they say about Waconi Brewing? They say...

Courtney (06:09.609)
There were some bees.

Courtney (06:19.753)
You're fighting them off.

Courtney (06:26.335)

Tim (06:32.472)
that they have five key flagship beers.

Courtney (06:37.685)
I'm drinking one of them. Yep. Yeah.

Tim (06:38.966)
Are you? The Peanut Butter Porter is one of them? Okay, so I see they have something called 90K IPA. They have an Amber Ale. Yeah, there's the Peanut Butter Porter on my list. They have something called Wacktown Wheat, which is a wheat beer which I did taste one of the times we were there. They have a Kolsch, Carver County Kolsch. And one called Flashpoint Vanilla Cream Ale, and I remember that one as well. It was very delicious.

Courtney (06:54.73)

Courtney (07:07.081)
Yeah. Plus, in addition to that, they had lots of like rotating beers that they had on tap.

Tim (07:11.638)
And they do have lots of rotating beers, lots of them, yes, that they do smaller batches of and then they're gone.

Courtney (07:18.729)
And I'm pretty sure it was a raspberry something that was really, really good and a great summer refreshing fruity beer.

Tim (07:23.553)

Yes, I agree. think that one was really good. One of the times we were there, we both did flights and we had many of these different beers and they were all, I don't think I remember having one that was like, this isn't any good. I mean, they were all at least like a decent beer. Nothing was like turn your nose off, know, that kind of a thing.

Courtney (07:39.104)

Courtney (07:46.409)
Yeah, they were great.

I feel like we've only had one kind of negative ever about this brewery.

Tim (07:57.503)
Mm -hmm, and what is that negative about this particular brewery?

Courtney (08:01.641)
They have high top tables with some chairs at them. And the chairs look really, really cool. Or stools, they're whatever. Stools, chairs, they look really, really cool. Except when you sit in them, they're not very comfortable.

Tim (08:06.113)
For the most part, yes. Yeah.

Tim (08:14.551)

Tim (08:18.784)
Yeah. They, I would agree. They are, they are clearly like their tables and their chairs were all like, I don't know if they bought them or if somebody made them for them. but they're all like metal and wood, like a real, like a heavy industrial looking metal and wood set up.

Courtney (08:35.667)

Tim (08:36.974)
They do look, like you said, looks awesome in there. I mean, it really, it has a really great look. It's one of the things we'll talk about in this brewery. This brewery does have a really nice look to it, I think, for a brewery that literally is in the end of a mini mall location. It's not like Waconia has a historic downtown street. They're not on that street. They're just kind of off to the edge of it in this more modern mini mall.

Courtney (08:53.044)

Tim (09:03.054)
where there's a bunch of other things, but they're kind of around the corner on the mall and at the end and their patio's out front. So they got a, for a mini mall, it's a good location and they've really done a good job in creating a good atmosphere in there. Yeah, but you're right, those chairs, little bit uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah.

Courtney (09:15.944)

Courtney (09:22.025)
And they have other seating in there. Like they've got some couches that are built in to be more of a bench kind of thing. Super comfortable.

Tim (09:29.26)
Yep. And then they did have the one corner by the fireplace with some lower leather chairs that were super comfortable that we sat in while we were there one of the times. And the patio is pretty typical of a lot of breweries in Minnesota. This one is, know, they took a chunk of the parking lot and turned it into their patio. And it has a lot of tables like picnic style type tables outside. They did have

When we were there for Oktoberfest, they didn't have all the umbrellas out and they do have them inside. So I don't know why they weren't out on the tables, but they were not that day. Maybe they thought it was going to be too windy. don't know. so lots of, yeah, lots of dogs on the patio. mean, obviously they were allowed inside too. I think dogs were inside. So that is also typical in Minnesota. Most of the breweries do allow dogs to be present.

Courtney (10:08.285)
Lots of dogs on the patio, very dog friendly.

Courtney (10:15.434)

Tim (10:23.135)
All of them will have them on the patio, but most of them will also allow them on the inside. It kind of depends on whether they're making food as well. If they have have food as well, it's kind of more of a restaurant situation and then they can't have the dogs inside. But it's okay with me. I love dogs, so I'm okay with dogs everywhere. Yeah, and my dog loves to go to breweries because she likes to be with people. So it's a great thing to do.

Courtney (10:42.601)
I think it's great when there's dogs wandering around.

Courtney (10:51.109)
she's very well behaved at breweries, which is also very important.

Tim (10:53.0)

Absolutely. Well, this one that I'm drinking is the Oktoberfest, as I said, it's got a nice great color to it. And as Oktoberfest beers go, smells great and tastes great. So hats off to Waconia Brewery. They did a good job on this one.

Courtney (11:11.11)

Tim (11:13.578)
But what else can we what else should we talk about about the ambience? Because this podcast, as we've said at the beginning, is not really about the beer itself, although we'd like to mention what beers they have and what styles they make. It's more about the brewery itself. So we've talked a little bit about how we feel about this brewery. What do you think about it?

Courtney (11:34.709)
I really want to point out their kind of it's not their logo, but it's the letters WBC on the wall. You see it when you walk in and it just kind of it looks like their letters on the wall. But if you walk over close to it, it's made from a bunch of black nails or black black screws in the wall that they've made into their letters. And it's just it's really, really cool. It fits in great with the rest of their aesthetic. And it's just like a neat little custom art piece that's in there.

Tim (11:42.399)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (11:48.673)

Tim (11:54.494)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Tim (12:04.844)
Yeah, I agree. It's just, it's a, it's a great little thing. didn't, I mean, like you said, I didn't, I saw that thing a couple of times while we were in there and didn't realize, I thought it was just something hanging on the wall. a sign that they made of some, but, but no, yeah, it's just screws just screwed into the wall. And yeah, it's pretty cool. this, this brewery besides having indoor space and outdoor space, they also have a, like in the back of the brewery, you have

Courtney (12:14.707)

Tim (12:31.746)
the glass wall where you can kind of peer into where all the tanks are. So you get that view of the brewery. They do have a nice looking bar where the beer is served from, but you can also sit at that bar. And I would, I would say that that's the one place that I sat for just a little bit where sitting on those chairs wasn't really uncomfortable because I think just because you're leaning with your elbows on the bar, you've got, you've got,

Courtney (12:52.954)

It's a different height than the high top tables.

Tim (12:59.424)
like a, yeah, like a place to put your feet to like up on the rail under the bar. So I think it made the chair feel more comfortable. but if you're interested in knowing what this place looks like and even a little video, with, my brother, my brother, Tom, uncomfortably sitting on one of the chairs. we'll post those videos to our YouTube channel, which you'll find in the notes of this podcast. I like to,

Courtney (13:18.096)

Tim (13:28.386)
When we talk about a brewery, I'll do some, little, just a little bit of video work under a minute. So it's a YouTube short and it'll be just a quick tour of, and of the brewery and what it looks like, just so people can kind of get a view of what we're talking about.

Courtney (13:42.067)
Yeah, what you're not going to get a view of though is their beer tenders are pretty great. I think every time that we've walked in there, we've just been greeted by somebody that has really nice energy. They seem really happy to take your beer order or to talk beer with you. There's just a really nice vibe from their beer tenders. And we've had, I mean, we've been there three times. I'm pretty sure we had different people every time, but they were all, it wasn't like a, I'm here to serve you and I'm going to put a smile on my face.

Tim (13:47.051)
Yeah. Okay.

Tim (13:58.017)
I agree.

Tim (14:05.398)
Mm -hmm.

Courtney (14:10.889)
They all just seemed genuinely happy to be sitting behind a bar.

Tim (14:15.341)
Yeah, and they're making good beer, so they should be happy about it, right? Yeah, I think everybody, at the last time we were there was a geocaching event. were, how many people were at that event? Maybe 20 at the most?

Courtney (14:18.728)

Courtney (14:29.971)
Yeah, and then other people that were there as well. I mean, it was pretty it was pretty busy last time.

Tim (14:32.398)
Sure, were lots of other people. I'm just saying that the people that I interacted with, the 20 or less people that were at the geocaching event. Normally, we do a lot of brewery geocaching events here in the Twin Cities. And this was one of those. Normally, there's even more people at them than that. But this one, like we said, is a little bit out of town. So it's a little bit of a drive to get out there so some of the people just couldn't make that happen on a weeknight. Or actually, it was a Saturday, wasn't it?

Courtney (14:43.961)

Courtney (15:01.961)
We were out there on Saturday, yeah.

Tim (15:03.028)
It was a Saturday. That's right. Where were they? Come on. It's a Saturday. Yeah. Come on. All the regulars were there. Believe me. But anyway, of the people I talked to, nobody like ever. Everybody was like, this beer is great. I mean, they weren't. Most people were focusing on the Oktoberfest because that's the that was the party that we were at. But, you know, people were trying other things, too, and everybody had good things to say about the beer. So good ambiance, good beer.

Courtney (15:06.756)
No excuses.


Tim (15:32.066)
Cute little town. Waconi is a cute little town. mean, it's right on a lake, believe it or not, called Lake Waconia. And they also have, there's like two ice cream shops in town. There's some good restaurants, a real cool park in the middle of town that has some like veterans memorials in it. you know, overall it's just a, it's a cute old town in Minnesota. So, glad to be out there.

Courtney (15:33.887)
cute little town.

Courtney (15:38.282)

Courtney (16:00.841)
I really liked the quote from their website, approachable brews from approachable people. I think that's really accurate.

Tim (16:04.492)
Yeah, I think that's right. Yeah, I think it is too. think it's not, I mean, it's certainly a place that if I'm ever out that way again, I would definitely go back to. There's no doubt about it. No doubt about it. Because it's got some of the things I like about breweries. It has good beer, number one.

Courtney (16:16.83)

Courtney (16:25.447)

Tim (16:26.346)
Number two, it's got a great ambiance. I mean, I think just the ambiance of the place is good. And I wouldn't normally say that about, like I said, about a brewery that's in a mini mall type situation. I don't, I don't, they generally don't have a great vibe, but this.

Courtney (16:36.394)

Courtney (16:40.434)
It's hard to get a lot of personality when you're in a strip mall kind of thing.

Tim (16:43.626)
It really is because those modern, more modern strip multi buildings, just, there's not a lot to work with there. So you have to make an effort to bring in the things that are going to make it a great ambiance. You know, maybe some brick, maybe some wood, just, you know, whatever. mean, just things that make it feel more homey and welcoming. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to be walking into a Starbucks when I go to a brewery.

Courtney (17:05.034)

Courtney (17:09.781)

Tim (17:11.414)
It's gotta be, you know, it's just, Starbucks is a thing. That's their style. But I don't want my breweries to look like that, you know? So anyway, that's how I feel about Waconia Brewing and the city of Waconia. I've been out there many times. I've run a few 5Ks in that town as well. I always have a good time while I'm out there. Waconia's a great place to visit. Absolutely.

Courtney (17:33.203)
Yeah, and a great brewery to go visit.

Tim (17:35.936)
and a great brewery to visit. So if you're ever in Waconia, stop in at Waconia Brewing. It's not hard to find. Everybody's got a phone with the internet on it. So look it up. You can get there.

Courtney (17:44.304)

Courtney (17:48.393)
All we have another beer to discuss.

Tim (17:49.745)
You haven't you haven't told me yet about your peanut butter porter. You got it poured in a glass. Are you drinking it yet? Yes. OK. And tell me about it. What's good about it?

Courtney (17:53.683)
Yeah, I have been drinking it. It's, I love this beer.

Okay, here's where we're gonna get into things. I am not...

Tim (18:05.739)

Courtney (18:09.481)
I don't know all the technical terms for beer. If I drink a beer, I can tell you, I like this. I would drink this again. Or, hey, I don't like this and I'm probably still gonna finish it, but I wouldn't get it again.

Tim (18:15.339)

Tim (18:21.235)
We have been honest up front about not being beer experts. Yes. Okay. So, okay. So with that in mind, go for it. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Is it sweet?

Courtney (18:25.373)
Yes. So I can tell you, I greatly enjoy this chocolate peanut butter porter. This is not the first. It's not it's not super sweet. But it's a it's a nice rich dark beer.

Tim (18:37.343)

Yeah. Love it. Like I said, I probably, I don't think I love it, but I love, I love that you, I love that you love it. And it's, it's one of the things cool about these small breweries is that they, besides their flagship beers, they have, you know, quite often numerous other beers and everybody can get something they like. Right.

Courtney (18:43.185)
Love it. I don't think you're going to love it.

Courtney (19:02.023)
or get a little bit of everything and see what you like.

Tim (19:04.694)
Right, can try new things. Like recently, I've not been into sours like in the past. But recently I have had some when we've gotten a flight and have some sours in it. They're like, wow, that's really good. So the range of beer, even within one segment like sours is so wide that, you know, just because you didn't like one doesn't mean you're not going to like another one. So yes, go. What do you got?

Courtney (19:30.741)
Speaking of sours, you gave me some sour beer.

Tim (19:36.258)
yeah, I did tell us what that beer is.

Courtney (19:40.295)
You gave me a spicy pickle sour beer that is made with sucker punch pickle brine from Distill, Distill Brewery in Illinois.

Tim (19:43.362)

Tim (19:50.154)
Okay, cool. And I gave you this because we were recently at another brewery called Eyer Brewing, which is in Elk River, Minnesota. We were there for another geocaching event and they had a pickle beer on tap, peppered pickle beer that we tried and I thought was okay and you loved.

Courtney (20:06.516)

Tim (20:10.357)
And so when I saw that beer, I was at Total Wine buying beer for myself, and when I saw that beer, it's got a cool label and it grabbed my eye, and I thought, Courtney needs that four pack.

Courtney (20:10.535)
I loved.

Courtney (20:21.213)
Yes, I have to tell you that this might be the pickle beer to end all pickle beers. It is so good.

Tim (20:26.67)
wow! Okay!

Courtney (20:33.725)
It's not it's because it is a sour and it is such a strong pickle flavor. I don't think it's like it's a one one beer and then maybe you could have another one tomorrow kind of beer. It's not like you're going to drink two of these consecutively. But.

Tim (20:38.998)

Tim (20:48.492)
Right. That's what they call, that's what they call sessionable, Courtney, right? It's not a session beer. It's not a session beer, right? It's a one -off. Okay, cool.

Courtney (20:52.591)
see, I'm learning things.

It's a one -off, but it is a really great one -off. It's got a ton of that just like really solid pickle flavor. It's sour. It's got a tiny bit of spice that goes with it, but it's... I would, okay, I would drink straight pickle juice. Well, I would and I have and I... Straight pickle juice is great.

Tim (21:02.637)

Tim (21:09.035)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (21:18.221)
Yeah, okay.


Courtney (21:26.867)
This is very pickle -y. It's like everything you would hope for in something that someone handed you and said, this is a sour pickle beer.

Tim (21:28.907)

Tim (21:35.295)
Well, I'm so glad to hear that because I did buy a four pack. They didn't have any singles of it. I looked, I looked to see if I could get a single because you know, it's risky if you've never had something before to buy four or six of them. You know, you don't know, you might have trick one and then have four or five that you need to get rid of and don't like. But I'm glad to hear that you like this one.

Courtney (21:45.62)

Courtney (21:57.064)
Love it.

Tim (21:58.485)
And that brewery will not be a focus of this podcast because it's in Illinois, clearly.

Courtney (22:01.929)

But now I feel like maybe I'm assuming this is more of like a summer beer for them maybe, but maybe next summer there's going to have to be a road trip to go visit them.

Tim (22:12.494)
man, taking the podcast on the road already. We're only on episode number two. All right. Well, interesting. You know, next year, Geo Woodstock is in, in 2025 is in Morgantown, West Virginia. And I do plan on going and I don't know if I'm driving or flying. I would

Courtney (22:17.779)
Yep. Yep, we're hitting the road.

Tim (22:40.202)
probably prefer to drive even though West Virginia is quite a ways away because then I can make stops along the way and maybe one of those stops is in Illinois. Although I don't know where this town is in Illinois if it's in northern or southern Illinois. Illinois is a tall state so who knows.

Courtney (22:44.469)
It's not that bad.

Courtney (22:50.506)

Courtney (22:58.303)
And I didn't look it up before. I think it was normal Illinois. Yeah.

Tim (23:04.28)
it's in normal. Okay, well that's kind of right in the middle of Illinois.

Courtney (23:08.669)

Tim (23:09.218)
That's in the Bloomington, it's in the Bloomington Normal area. Yeah. The company that I work for based in Bloomington, Illinois. Bet you didn't know that. So anyway, so that's cool. Yeah, we'll have to keep that one in mind. And maybe if there's a trip to Geo Woodstock, we'll have to maybe stop in there. Yeah. Well, it wouldn't be much of what I don't think. I think we could.

Courtney (23:11.229)
Yes. Yep.

Courtney (23:18.559)
Well, there you go. I didn't know that.

Courtney (23:33.673)
Make a little detour.


Tim (23:38.327)
Probably go right through Bloomington Normal. Cool, well I'm glad you like it. It was a bit of a risk to buy it, so I'm glad you like it.

Courtney (23:47.965)
solid risk taking.

Tim (23:49.356)
Yeah, very cool. Very cool. Anything else do we want to say as we wrap up wakonia brewing? What else do we want to say about wakonia?

Courtney (24:00.947)
Worth a visit. If you're anywhere like out that way or just think, hey, I've got nothing to do today. I wouldn't mind taking a drive. Well worth.

Tim (24:02.379)

Tim (24:08.716)
Yeah, it is a beautiful drive going out there from the Twin Cities. It's, you know, rolling farmland all the way out there. So it's a nice drive. Yeah. Well, that is probably it for this episode of this podcast then next time. Courtney, what brewery we'll be covering next time. Do you remember?

Courtney (24:29.555)
You're quizzing me and I really should have remembered this. We had a couple picked out to start with. I think Indeed might have been one of them.

Tim (24:35.606)

Tim (24:40.054)
I think indeed is the next one that we're going to do. Indeed it is. Right. It's in. It's indeed right. I'm pretty sure. Is it indeed or inbound. It's indeed. Gosh there's so many breweries here. There's so many breweries here which is why we started this podcast. Let me look at behind me on this. This is the audio. This is an audio podcast. So.

Courtney (24:43.433)
Yes, I got it right. Or you just made it right.

Courtney (24:52.189)

Courtney (24:59.817)
You've got a brewery chart.

Tim (25:03.819)
People who are listening can't see the thing behind me, but it's a large display of coasters from breweries. Let me see. It's this one, Insight.

Courtney (25:16.017)
Insight, man, wait, okay, indeed, insight inbound.

Tim (25:18.561)
This is, here's inbound, here's inbound right here. This is Insight with the barrel balloon logo. Insight is the one we're talking about.

Courtney (25:30.143)
There are three though, right? Ugh.

Tim (25:32.171)
Yes, indeed inbound. Yeah, there's there's a lot, which is why we're doing this podcast. There are so many breweries in the Twin Cities and in greater Minnesota. We're not going to run out for a long, long time.

Courtney (25:44.767)
I might not remember the names, but I'm gonna remember what it feels like when I walk in the door.

Tim (25:49.65)
Absolutely, absolutely. So join us next time on the Brewery Adventure when we will talk about inbound brewing, which is located in the city of Minneapolis. All right, see you next time. Yeah, cheers. Bye.

Courtney (26:01.663)
There we go. Cheers again.

Tim (26:09.901)
Let's stop recording.